Obviously I have more friends!!! But the people listed here are those I talk to most!!! (In Alphabetical Order!!!)

Ronnie | iyotakakishimaru
Gay!!! Ur super chill and fun to talk to!!! Also I bullied you into making a kin acct hfjkhsdkjf

Rowan <> | gendersharp
My Moirail!!! Got me into kinning and now i bullied them into making a kin acct shdhaskdh

Zack | tereziicore
My Older Son!!!! Wow imagine being this talented and gifted u get it all from Zay thank ur other parent.

Zay | windyhimbo
My Spouse!!! Irl John Egbert and the only person Ever with rights (sorry everyone else I don't make the rules)

Zoe | miuirumafactkin
My Mom and My Dad. Promised to buy me a Kuzuryuu car seat cover for when we move in together this is to hold them accountable.